Montag, 27. April 2015

SS Galaxy to Close

Leider geht wieder eine Institution im Umfeld der Blake Sea verloren: Die SS Galaxy!

Quelle: Second Life Newsers

Hier das offizielle Schreiben dazu:

Dear Supporters and Friends of the SS Galaxy,

 The Management and Crew of the SS Galaxy would like to thank each and every one of you for helping make the Galaxy community one of the most thriving, vibrant and welcoming on the Second Life grid.Together with your help, we have been building wonderful memories since February 2007.
All good things must come to and end, and in the Galaxy’s case, we will be closing the ship on May the 3rd. All current renters will receive a 100% refund of your most recent payment. Please help us by picking up all your items as soon as possible; before the 3rd we will be doing room by room returns throughout the week as well if anything is left.

For us as the Crew, the privilege has been ours to meet and interact with each of you over these eight years. The memories we have from these experiences, will continue to inspire us and our values, long beyond 2015.

Many of you have become more than our cabin tenants - we consider you a part of the Galaxy family as well  :-)

In the many diverse strands of lifestories, God has granted us the blessing of having our respective stories intertwine, at least for a time.

As we prepare to go on beyond April 2015, the Crew wish you that the strength in bonds will continue to sustain each and every one of you, along life’s way.

From all of us here at the SS Galaxy,

A heartfelt thank you.

DBDigital Epsilon
Managing Director

-----> Teleport zur SS Galaxy

Mittwoch, 22. April 2015

Echt Virtuell: Kurze Vorschau zu "Virtualize it!"

Quelle: [Facebook] - Virtualize It
 Ein TV-Tipp von Maddy, den ichmal teile:
Echt Virtuell: Kurze Vorschau zu "Virtualize it!": Quelle: [Facebook] - Virtualize It Ich nerve euch wahrscheinlich etwas mit meinen vielen Postings zur Second Life Dokumentation "Vi...

Dienstag, 21. April 2015

Echt Virtuell: Das BB E-Book Event 2015 vom 11. April bis 3. Mai ...

Ich klaue heute mal wieder einen Post (bei Maddy)

Quelle: Brennende / Echt Virtuell

Am Samstag, den 11. April 2015, startet wieder das E-Book Event der Brennenden Buchstaben in Second Life. In diesem Jahr läuft die Veranstaltung drei Wochen lang und der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Literatur aus dem Bereich der deutschsprachigen Fantastikszene. Dazu gibt es weitere Genres aus den Bereichen Thriller und Krimis. ......

----->>> Weiter bei Echt Virtuell

Mittwoch, 15. April 2015

2015 Spring Fling Garden Tour

[free bird] organized a Spring Fling Garden Tour like the Tour of Lights at Christmas.
This time we can visit homes and see the beautiful Spring Garden Decoration.
Starting April, 16th – Ending April, 19th.
Original Post and Poster 2015 Spring Fling Garden Tour.
Stay tuned !

Samstag, 4. April 2015

Sanni's Exploring Photo Book: Everwinter

 Heute klaue ich mal einen Post:


Sanni's Exploring Photo Book: Everwinter: I have seen some photos of Everwinter's Themepark and lastly I went to it to hav a look at this apocalyptic, sad and horrible place b...