Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2015

Wird die SS Galaxy reanimiert?

Die SS Galaxy

Seit Anfang Mai ist die SS Galaxy nicht mehr erreichbar, obwohl das große Schiff immer noch auf den Karten sichtbar ist. Nun kommt auf dem Galaxy-Blog eine Meldung, das Linden Lab die drei Sims auf der die Galaxy schwimmt weiter betreiben möchte:

Dear Supporters and Friends of the SS Galaxy,
There have been many rumours cycling regarding the Galaxy and what really happened.  I can’t release that information as of yet.  However, I can now say that the SS Galaxy has been acquired by Linden Labs and will return.  She is currently undergoing retrofitting to sail under the Linden Labs flag.  I have been tirelessly converting all the transferable prims I personally owned to Linden Lab ownership, and my part of the project is now complete.
Sadly being under Linden Lab’s flag also means that none of the previous management or crew will be aboard in any sort of capacity.  I have also been told there will be no rentals or events.  This means she will not quite be the Galaxy you know and love.  But she will still exist in a museum state and be open for visitation in the near future.
More information will be released as I can.  I wish to thank everyone again from the guests, to the staff, and beyond.  You all made the Galaxy the special place she was, and no one can take that from us.
DBDigital Epsilon
Former Managing Director
SS Galaxy

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